Wednesday, April 21, 2010

How to get many followers on Twitter

There is no rest in social media communities. Social Media comes with a high stress factor if you intend to stay updated, especially if you have a job, a family and other things to do in life… While I have been sleeping in Australia people have been tweeting all night around the world. I wake up to find that I have some followers on my twitter account (followers are people who will follow my tweets). This is of course not "real followers" since I only have two ridiculously bad test-tweeds so far that couldn't possibly interest anyone, and apart from that there is just my name that could attract followers. And it doesn't. So, the people who come up as followers are either spams or people who invite me so that I will check out their profile on Twitter, and be their followers. Judging by the popular tweets that I am now following I can tell that, you can't just be an active tweeter to be popular you also have to be an active follower. You have to have a very active account. To read or to be read is not a question. You have to do both.

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